Siberia (2020)
15 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There is no flow to the movie. You will be seeing one scene which will all of a sudden switch to a completely different scene/situation and not understand what the heck is going on. Of course, all the flaws of the film will be covered up and excused because they will label it artistic. The art in this film reminds me the art where the artists has a canvas, paint, and throws the paint all over the canvas, which in the end is just paint blotters etc all over a canvas which is now worth 3 million dollars. The absurdity of this film, and the many others like it, where they just use art as a way to excuse their poor product really bothers me. I do not know what is wrong with William Dafoe, but he has been acting in some mega-dumb movies and just things that are really creepy. What was with him kissing on the pregnant woman's belly and grab her boobs while the grandma was there staring like it was some sort of semi-porn flick gone horribly wrong?!

IDK but if you choose to watch this load of donkey dung then all the luck to you! I can't believe I wasted my time watching this. The only thing that was good about the film was the scenery. Honestly!
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