This movie's animation is a MARVEL for it's time, elements of the story, Not so nice.
8 December 2020
Remember People, This was made in 1964. I LOVE IT, cause I've been watching it since I was 2 or 3 years old in the late 60's and it was DAMN MAGICAL!! I wanted to grow up to be MOONRACER, and I kinda did, but I have an island of misfit animals instead of toys. And they are all Truly Beautiful! :) Some reviewers complained about negative elements of the story, well, yes it is sexist, and full of bullies, but come on people. That's how REAL LIFE was then, and sadly it's reverting back to just as bad if not worse the last few years. I think what you should try to stick to is that it's a cartoon, and old cartoon at that. If I could pick out a positive character as a 3 year old to want to model my life after,(Moonracer) who finds value and beauty in all things. Then I think you adults should try to look at what is positive in the story. True Friendship between Hermey the elf, Rudolph, the little doe Clarice, the abominable snow man and the fun trippy ol prospector dude Yukon Cornelius. Why you gotta focus on all the negative??? It's a damn classic movie and isn't going away anytime soon. The whole point is it's Not too Late to Change your mind and your heart! Learn how to model yourself and your kids after the positive aspects, not the negative please. And if your just a Christmas hater, then celebrate FESTIVUS instead. ;D It's a Festivus for the Rest of US! :D
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