Better Watch Out (II) (2016)
The Most Manipulative Movie I Have Ever Seen
5 December 2020
Is this what we have come to? A horror movie that destroys our ability to connect to one another, just for the sake of subverting expectations?

Fine, I know I'm no connoisseur of horror movies. But in every horror movie that I have actually enjoyed or admired, we ended with a sense of renewed faith in humanity - because horror, like an abyss, can bring us catharsis. Looking at something horrific that should not be allowed to exist, we realize how important it is to connect with our fellow human beings. "Alien," "The Cabin in the Woods," "The Thing," "It Follows," even "Resident Evil" managed a smidgen of that.

But "Better Watch Out" just portrays evil and laughs at it, because it mocks us! Ha ha ha! It portrays the lazy, self-contented n'er-do-wells of American society. I cannot believe that I sound like such an old man as I write this. But I feel as if this movie tried, in quite a unique and ingenious way, to suck the soul out of me.

Doubtless many people will dismiss this review as the ramblings of a prude. But watch the movie and see for yourself how manipulative it is. I reserve the 1 star rating for movies that genuinely offend me, and this one did.
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