Review of Made Men

Made Men (1999)
27 November 2020
James Belushi has always been a favourite of mine since i was young & was obsessed with watching his Red Heat & K-9 films on video growing up. Belushi was always a very funny & sarcastic comical actor but who couldn't also do good drama too just watch his outstanding performance in GANG RELATED, but as a very physical comedy actor he was truly great fun to watch & i still consider his Cop Comedy Thriller K-9 (1989) & his Action Cop Thriller RED HEAT (1988) as two of my all time favourite films!!! Belushi is Hilarious & underrated in my opinion.

Made Men is a very funny, witty & action-packed Crime-Comedy-Thriller above a snitch named Bill Manucci aka: The Mouth (Belushi) who is an Ex-mobster hiding out under witness protection in a little peaceful & quiet Rural South Carolina "Redneck" town until a gang of Mobsters show up to catch him & steal back the 12 million he stole from a big time Chicago Gangster named "The Skipper" & all hell breaks loose. That's the basic plot to a very well written caper that's full of fun twists & crazy characters such as a corrupted Sheriff Dex, played by Timothy Dalton (The Living Daylights) who is having so much fun playing an evil Villain for once & a bunch of local Rednecks that look like they stepped out of "Deliverance" & that's humorously said by Belushi lol & we have the group of useless wannabe Gangsters that includes a really great performance from Michael Beach who is funny & can do great action but it's Jim Belushi that is the best part of this crazy flick that reminded me of a 70's or 80's type of film with it's style, now Belushi is hilarious as the very mouthy & cunning Bill & comes out with so much hilarious one liners & sarcastic comments i couldn't stop laughing, Belushi is a comic genius & shines once again here even if it's a Low-budget DTV flick, Belushi made the really good sequel K-911 around the same time as this in 1999 & i loved that Cheesy, funny feelgood flick & here with MADE MEN he's great again. The look of Made Men is really vibrant colours & i liked that with its bright green for the trees & bright blue for the sky & bright orange & yellow for the many explosions it's all nice to look at & i liked the old skool blues music & the overall tone here is simply to have a good fun time & i did. All in all, MADE MEN is a very entertaining & easy watch with plenty of hilarious moments & tons of stylish John Woo style action sequences & at the centre of it all a hilarious & on top comedic form, JIM BELUSHI. For a low-budget B-movie this is simply a nice piece of late-night entertainment
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