A Christmas Princess (2019 TV Movie)
Had potential
16 November 2020
What to do when your customer service oriented business is failing and you have a month to save it? You act like you couldn't care less with the only customer in the building, and you treat him like he is an inconvenience. Then when he offers you a gig that could make you famous and turn things around, again you act like you don't care and it's not worth the effort. This is not a good start for this movie.

The prince isn't much better. He treats an allegedly world class chef like dirt. OK, so he's a prince and maybe has a right, but even princes have to handle prima donnas from time to time. What's really ridiculous is that he turns around on the same day and allows a woman with no credentials at all to treat him the same or even worse than the famous chef did. Then he argues with Jessica where she takes a similar position to what the prince took with the previous chef. Is he thinking with something beside his brain?

Set and production quality: Jessica says "nice digs", but the set for his living quarters in the hotel is obviously cheap and plain looking. The paparazzi covering the prince looked like a rag tag trio that was more in line with chasing someone in the cast of Real Housewives.

The premise for the movie is a bit unusual for a "royal" Christmas movie. After that it follows generally predictable lines, but it has more plot holes than a colander. Each of the lead characters continues to make one ridiculous decision after another. Jessica who is supposed to be racing against the clock has time to wander around with the prince basically sightseeing.

There are some funny moments but just as many moments that were intended to be funny but fell flat for me. I did get a laugh when the queen said "fake news".

In a movie with as much silly humor as this, it can be difficult to judge the acting because it is often exaggerated for humor. Several times the cast seemed to be trying too hard in their roles. Lines are obviously being "delivered" at times rather than occurring naturally. As to chemistry between the leads, I think the way the story made Jessica independent and stubborn, it was hard for Shein Mompremier to connect with Travis Burns. It's too bad for Mompremier because she definitely had moments of appeal.

Many of the "royal" movies work to emphasize how far apart the commoner's world is from the royal world. The protagonists overcome the obstacles despite the differences. This movie makes Prince Jack already on a level much closer to Jessica's world, but then it reverses course and does it in spades.

The climax is as ridiculous as most of the rest of the movie. (Just look at the final kitchen staff.) I often say that in this kind of movie, realism is not expected. Some movies push that a little far and this is one of those, but then the whole royal theme has already done that. There is a little twist near the end that maybe pulls some heartstrings, but it seemed disingenuous to me. And the only a minute later there is a sequence fit for clowns.

Recently, I've become sensitive to reviewers who declare a movie to be "the worst" or something similar. Often this is done with few details or based on one scene or one actor. I have gone into great detail as to shortcomings in this movie because it really is bad. And lest you think this is sour grapes, or single shot based on ulterior motives, I have rated over a thousand movies and reviewed nearly 800 to date, many of them romance and/or Christmas movies.
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