Arizona's official state nickname is . . .
13 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
. . . "The Outlaw State," and DEVIL'S CANYON illustrates why this portion of rattlesnake country deserves that title. This film tells the inspiring tale of a Real Life prison uprising that took place in 1897 near Yuma. Abby, a penitentiary nurse\trustee serving a life sentence for staging a series of bank and train heists, orchestrates a smuggled shipment of two dozen revolvers into the jail's medical clinic. During the ensuing chaos, 14 guards are shot dead and a score more gravely wounded as the entire prison population is freed from the cells, turning a Gatling gun and road construction dynamite against penitentiary personnel. Recognizing how plucky sharpshooter Abby epitomizes Arizona Territory's motto ("We aim to slay"), the hostage warden grants her a full pardon on the spot. More than a century later, Arizonians still are exercising their inalienable 2nd Amendment Right to knock off their Congress person, as well as anyone in the vicinity. So after you enjoy DEVIL'S CANYON, be sure to support your local chapter of BANGS (Broke Americans Need Gun Stamps).
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