Most relatable line of the movie "I don't know what's happening here"
11 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This film sounds like they threw words into hurricane hazel and what came out was the script.

We couldn't make heads nor tails of what was happening, who the people were, and why were in space at the end.

We felt like we were in therapy, with Therapist Bray coming out to play 😂

So many questions: why did nana try to eat the ring? Why did the eldest daughter act like no one else knew what s'mores were? Why didn't he just give the envelope to her at the beginning? Why did Bray run like that?

And what was with the music in some of those scenes? In one scene we literally find Bray fixing the house to melancholy music - your chopping mate, not putting down your dog.
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