Ok anthology
8 October 2020
It's hard to rate any anthology movie because it's a format that is bound to be uneven, with some good and some not so good entries. This is no exception with some stories being better than others, both in story and execution. But there are things that are common to all of them, like the obvious low budget, the bad CGI and the good make up effects. The first story is a rehash of the cabin in the woods slasher genre, directed by Alejandro Brugués of Juan of the Dead fame. It's a fun entry where the low budget really shows as its story is a bit too much for the budget they had. The second one is a bit of a dark comedy with social commentary by director Joe Dante. It is also fun if a bit predictable but it's always a joy to see something with Dante behind the camera. The third one is a take on the exorcist, directed by Ryûhei Kitamura of Midnight Meat Train fame. For me it is the worst directed and scripted one with an ending so over the top that was kind of funny how bad it is. The fourth one is by far the best one for me. It's a surrealistic look at madness that is very hard to describe. Directed by David Slade it was by far the slickest and the only one where the budget didn't show. Very well done. The last one is a terrible ghost story a la Sixth Sense, with a terrible screenplay directed by Mick Garris. It is a total let down especially after the highlight of the previous entry. All in all it was an ok experience that is meant to be shown in a midnight screening of any horror fest, where the audience is much more forgiving than in any mainstream cinema or tv screen.
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