Never Too Late (I) (2020)
Veterans galore, but a bit off the mark
5 October 2020
What's not to love about a movie with a cast list that includes Oscar nominees James Cromwell, Jacki Weaver; Acting royalty of Jack Thompson, and iconic performers like Dennis Waterman and Roy Billing? Plenty to love, but not much to like. The dialogue; whilst salty and humorous at times, is laughing at old people and the infirm and those with dementia. It depicts nursing homes as prisons and the security as just thugs; whilst the nurses and doctors seem absent or incompetent.

If you leave your brain in another room, this is an enjoyable romp, but make no mistake - it is not art, nor is it a well executed buddy movie, romance or any of the other tropes it seems to be wanting to be. But how many more films will we get to see the great Jack Thompson; the very dignified James Cromwell and the eternally cute Jacki Weaver? Actually i think this is one of Weaver's better performances of late. This and 'Poms' where she gets to either play big and blowsy or quite sweet and poignant as she does here. But the dialogue lets down the group of esteemed actors who barely keep a straight face delivering it! Call me sentimental, but when veteran actors such as these pop up and get a chance to strut their stuff, it is worth checking out. But high art, it ain't. But you will get a few chuckles and maybe reflect on ageing and the elderly.
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