25 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
D3 was awful. Petulant teenagers, high school clichés, rich v. poor tropes, and everything coming together neatly by the end. It was such a useless film with nothing valid or original about it.

The movie starts off with Coach Bombay (Emilio Estevez) saying goodbye to Charlie (Joshua Jackson), the captain of the Ducks. Coach Bombay was taking the opportunity to coach the U.S. Junior team while Charlie would be attending a private high school on a full scholarship. Charlie was all bent out of shape and couldn't accept that Coach Bombay would actually leave "The Ducks" to do something as selfish as furthering his career or going after his dream job. It was pure childish selfishness on Charlie's part which would be his hallmark the rest of the movie. He's the main character and he couldn't have been more repulsive.

The entire Ducks team got scholarships to Eden Hall Academy. They had a coach they didn't like because he demanded things from them like "work" and "defense." God forbid a coach actually raise his voice or show any kind of disapproval for how a team plays. And Charlie, being the leader, showed what kind of person he was by popping off at the mouth to his coach. He was a full-fledged Prima Dona star player at the tender age of 14.

Along with contending with their hardnose coach, the Ducks had to contend with the varsity hockey team. The Varsity didn't like the Freshmen because clearly you need a bully in a high school and you need drama. They disguised this lousy cliché as the varsity not liking the freshmen because they didn't belong. They weren't Eden Academy material.

The Ducks just couldn't get their bearings. They could not perform unless they were Ducks. This is a hold over from part two when they played for the Junior National team and discarded their U.S. team gear in favor of their Ducks uniforms. Now, they are the Eden Academy Warriors and it seems like some type of breach of loyalty for them to even proclaim that. So, by the end, not only were they playing in Ducks uniforms, but the school even had an Eden Academy Ducks banner at the ready. It was so puerile.

This team was such a mess it's a wonder they got any kind of scholarship anywhere. In their opening game they were up 9-0 in the first period only to end the game tied 9-9. How in the world did they give up nine goals in a period is inconceivable, and how did they go from scoring nine goals in two periods to not being able to score one in the final period? It was like the team, as good as they were, had never heard of defense. And somehow their new coach, Coach Orion (Jeffrey Nordling), was a jerk for pointing out their paltry defense.

But of course, it all worked out in the end. The Ducks J.V. team beat varsity, Charlie got the girl, they got to stay at the school instead of their scholarships being voided, and yada yada yada. It was an orgy of happiness. This whole movie was just mired in bad clichés and worse personalities. D3 was putrid.
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