Not as bad as others are saying
21 September 2020
Look, I'm just a (one-quarter Irish) Yank who lived in Australia a long time, but please hear me out. I liked it. It reminded me of the Australian show "Seachange", which was one of my favorites. The first two episodes did a good job of introducing the characters and setting, and I really enjoyed seeing the featured Irish countryside. Sure, the town of Carigeen isn't real, and is a mixture of other locations in Ireland outside of Cork, but does that really matter, in fiction? It's still a good story. Some complain about the accents, but keep in mind the international TV market, and how many different people need to understand what's being said. Again, it's fiction, not reality - as long as it makes people think of Ireland, isn't that all that matters? ("It's going to lash later." Who knew the Irish had so many words for rain?) I'm looking forward to the rest of the season, and hope it gets picked up for more. You Irish just might have a winner here.
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