The Corn Is Green (1979 TV Movie)
The best of human race's feelings in an outstanding story !!!
15 September 2020
A enlightened story that began with Bette Davis's 1945 first version in a near masterpiece in my point of view, this remake with the classy Katherine Hepburn as TV movie stays few steps behind, but it isn't necessarily far away from of his predecessor at all, Kathy overcame fulsomely a putative weak points, with a masterful performance, she plays an unmarried wise old woman who moved to north Wales and decided open a small school for miners boys who were send to coal mines at tender age without any kind of study or future at sight on those hard times, Mrs. Moffat (Hepburn) realizes that a rough teenage Morgan Evans (Ian Saynor) has a special gift to write prodigal poems, she foresees on the boy a glittering future if her coax him an extensive study, Morgan under a extreme pressure stays drained and willing to quit, Mrs. Moffat doesn't give up and she gets to him run for a scholarship at Oxford University, somehow Mrs. Moffat being a spinster, wager all her hopes in this orphan gift boy as was your own son, moreover although she treats Morgan harshly ,actually she intents that him has a opportunity to be someone, that it's her main target, if he got, she made something for yourself, a movie that letting us to think that nothing was lost for mankind in this vale of tears!!


First watch: 2020 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 8.25
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