Dark Matter (2015–2017)
Dark Matter deserved a series 4 & 5 or at least closure ( a movie ) for the fans.
12 September 2020
I just finished watching Dark Matter Season 3 on Amazon Prime & was frustrated to see this 9 out of 10 show ( would be 10 out of 10 with 2 more series no doubt ) was another victim of NBC's Syfy channel ridiculous cancellation policy ( just as the show gets really good they cancel it, instead of promoting the show so TV fans actually watch the first few episodes & see how it grows into a very good show. Many great shows such as "cheers" as a classic example take time to build an audience but great writing & acting will win out eventually & build that loyalty ).

For TV stations & streaming services to build up a loyal fan base you have to at the very least give your viewers the "the promise of closure" as now I do not want to watch anything made by NBC or Syfy ( & thinking of cancelling Amazon for cutting short "Sneaky Pete" which was awesome & now letting us watch a great show in Dark Matter but without taking over the project with a promise of some closure.

If you don't give your TV viewership the respect of closure then you can not then expect any of them to give you their loyalty. It really is simple that any TV show that is cancelled should be given an extra 6 episodes ( or a movie ) with sufficient notice to tie up any loose ends if at any point the show is cancelled in mid story arc.

So like many TV fans now if I see something is made by NBC or any of their subsidiaries such as the SyFy channel I now choose not to bother to start to watch as no one wants to start reading a great book but then not have it end with the necessary closure any great story needs ( unless a sequel is guaranteed ). The only way to make these people learn is to boycott their products until they take responsibility for their past cancellation errors & give each show a fair chance to give closure to the fans. So simply put give all these cancelled shows someone a movie to tie up the story ( as bring back original actors even if you have to book them up 2 or 3 years in advance to get the key actors, as you can tell the fans the closure will happen ( guaranteed ) in the next 2 to 3 years & get them back as your TV station fans ASAP. You already have a fan base that will once again return as loyal fans so long as you first give the fans their respect by finishing the stories.

Respect & loyalty all come from TRUST you build up as a brand over time.
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