The Dead Pit (1989)
Dr. Demented...
31 August 2020
At a state mental hospital, the deranged Dr. Colin Ramzi (Danny Gochnauer) carries out unethical, illegal, and 100% lethal brain experiments. He then stashes his victims in the pit of the title. Thankfully, he's stopped by a bullet through his head and secretly entombed in the same pit.


Twenty years later, an earthquake resurrects Ramzi, along with his many former patients! Horror and blood-drenched experimentation commence! What, if anything, does this have to do with an amnesiac known only as Jane Doe (Cheryl Lawson)?

THE DEAD PIT is a fab slab of gory '80's cheeeze with lots of brains exiting various craniums. It also has a satisfying atmosphere of gloom, and Gochnauer is sublime in his leering, crackpot role. Special mention must be made of Ms. Lawson and her excellent choice of wardrobe...
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