good korean movie... Bad lesson. Love and unfaithfulness
29 August 2020
First of all, both characters has really damn good performance, especially that guy. production quality is nice for 2002 korean cinema. overall its really good. but it has no moral.

The plot is not new, there are some movies in 80s or 90s about same kinda plot. that guy n girl having just sexual OPEN relationship but no serious untill things gets serious slowly but ends up with different person and then rekindle the emotions later after marriage.

the movie has bad moral or lesson , like marriage is all about " honesty , faith , loyalty and respect" , and when adultery happens , then it destroys everything. but here in this movie it shows , that its ok to cheat because its LOVE or emotions?

if the movie ends with some better conclusion then maybe it would be really great romantic drama.
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