If I could have given this zero stars, I would
22 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I have never reviewed a movie before, but this movie infuriated me so much, I decided I needed to. This is single-handedly the most awkward, contrived film I have seen in 22 years on this planet. From the forced, uncomfortable dialogue, to the non-sensical storyline, not a single thing, with the exception of the acting, is redeemable about this movie. The plot makes zero sense while trying to be 5 different things at the same time. It introduces storylines that have no bearing on the story and ultimately have no resolution and no explanation. From introducing a "secret-dead twin" subplot for the first 20-30 minutes of the movie, that is then effectively dropped with no more explanation on it, to having a pointless "the nanny must have done it" subplot for another 20 minutes and some change, this film does absolutely nothing correctly. Any subject matter it tries to handle, it utterly fumbles and fails to do any sort of justice to any of the characters. From the opening line of the movie, which YES was "Shhhh we're in the bay of silence" to the closing line of the movie, which yes was also "shhh we're in the bay of silence" not a single good decision by the director, screenwriter or editor was made. ultimately one of the biggest travesties in film making I have ever witnessed. An utter waste of talent. 0/10 would not recommend, would recommend driving your car off a cliff before I ever recommend this movie to anyone.
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