Review of Sense8

Sense8 (2015–2018)
How very dangerous!
5 August 2020
I started this show back in 2016 and honestly, just could not get into it. The part of the dildo on the floor was not very appealing to me. I wasn't offended by the love of two women, but what could have been a nice love scene was tainted by that action and that is where it stopped for me - the first time around. Then the pandemic hit and I was locked in my home wondering what wall I haven't banged my head against yet, when I came across this show again. This time with nothing else pulling me out of my house, this show played on, pulling me in and keeping me there. It is slow, yes, but only in the beginning. It is a slow burn, but a good burn and it hooks your heart, very gently and ever so deeply. Some reviews are speaking about pushing an agenda for gay rights, and maybe it is, but that is not what stood out to me. I'm not a homosexual, nor am I homophobia, so that is not where my attention went. For me, it was the friendship. The overwhelming theme of having someone, 7 someones, who are connected so inseparably to each other, that they protect you at all cost. They are the type of friends that most people would give anything to have. This shows embodies love, family, and connection. It is, sadly, without a doubt, well before its time. I was so very touched by the beauty in this story that it moved my heart and my mind, and oh how very dangerous that can be! I'm just one person, and I know that there is not anything so special about how I feel to think I am the only one who feels this way, which means, there are a lot of others out there that feel exactly the same. And if we all are moved, like I have been, then that is when one person becomes one more and one more until we are all connected and moved to make the our lives, our hearts, our thoughts, a better place. What a wave that brings. One where the impact of such may take time to become evident, but make no mistake, it will come. Well done! If the creators of this show ever feel like their work, their art, their creation did not have the effect hoped for, I hope you "hear" my voice. It did! In time, I think this show will soar. Thank you for making it. You have moved me beyond what words can ever convey. And the song at the end - Experience- is married in my soul and every time I hear it, I will think of the power of love - of any kind. and the enduring, everlasting beauty of friendship. I am truly grateful for such an experience! Thank you.
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