"Hey, Ted, where the hell is the corkscrew?"
25 July 2020
Tom Savini is back. This time it was to kill off in essence the character he created in Jason Vorhees. This was supposed to be the final FRIDAY THE 13TH, but seeming that Paramount made big money off these movies they couldn't just let Jason die.

In the fourth installment Jason is not quite dead yet. So after mutilating his way through the Wessex County Morgue he's back off to Crystal Lake. This time it's a cabin full of rowdy, horny teenagers who happen to be right next door to the Jarvis' with sister Trish (Kimberly Beck) and brother Tommy (Corey Feldman).

While there is nothing new in the story department to me it is the great effects by Savini, the direction from Joseph Zito and a good set up for the final confrontation with Jason...or what was supposed to be. There are some really good kills in this film. Yet at the same time there are some kills that with the fact you have Tom Savini as your effects guy are kind of lacking. It was just decided to have the shadow of the character killed or characters completely killed off screen.

If you have made it this far into the series certainly tune in to this part. Not sure exactly what my favourite FRIDAY THE 13th movie is, but I would say my favourite parts are 2 through 4. They are all flawed, but do have some things going for them. This part does have my favourite Jason though in Ted White. I really enjoyed the earlier versions of Jason and lean toward White and Richard Brooker from part 3.

Also starring Judie Aronson, Peter Barton, Erich Anderson and Crispin Glover as Jimmy. Glover is really great in his role and shows off his amazing ability to dance.
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