Review of 40 Carats

40 Carats (1973)
Liv Ullmann and Edward Albert star in 40 Carats
7 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
After wondering about this movie for the last several months, I finally watched this on Amazon Prime Video with Mom just now. We both were pretty enthralled with this story of a romance of a middle-aged woman (Liv Ullmann) and a young man (Edward Albert) who meet in Greece. She then returns to New York where she lives with her nearly-grown daughter (Deborah Raffin) and mother (Binnie Barnes). Guess who arrives to date her daughter? She also has an actor ex-husband (Gene Kelly) to deal with. I'll stop there and just say this was quite charmingly funny and a little dramatic. Also appearing are Nancy Walker and Natalie Schafer. Oh, how much of a hoot is it seeing Gene doing the modern '70s-style dances in one sequence? Also, I just watched Ms. Barnes in Abbott & Costello's The Time of Their Lives and I just found out she was married to this film's producer M. J. Frankovich in between watching that and this. This was her final film role, by the way. Anyway, me and Mom highly recommend 40 Carats.
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