24 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
While not the worst movie I've seen, there were too many predictable moments to make this enjoyable. Lines like, "What would we do without you?" make it painfully obvious that a character is going to die soon. And some of the characters make nonsensical choices that result in their demise.

At one point in the movie, Melissa's friend Courtney discovers that Grandma is unstable and potentially violent. She films Grandma yelling at Annie and her friend while holding a knife, and does nothing to hide herself after doing so. Grandma easily sees her filming her and wags a finger at her. Instead of immediately calling or texting Melissa, she goes home and uploads the video on her computer. When Grandma breaks into her house, she doesn't call the police or try to defend herself... she runs to her computer to hide the video in a folder. She then turns around and is immediately killed by Grandma. It was an easily avoidable death, yet she did nothing to try and prevent it.

It's things like this coupled with mediocre acting by some of the cast that causes this to be an average movie. It had some potential but squandered it.
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