Review of Odds Are

Odds Are (2018)
20 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I don't write many reviews and when I do I ALWAYS give the movie the Benefit of the doubt. I don't like giving a really low score because there is always something good you can take for each movie (I'm VERY forgiving). This movie was just plain STUPID and TOTALLY unrealistic. What person is going to go into a strange house, with a psychopath who has a gun? Every possible dumb and corny move happens in this movie. Nobody calls the cops, the girlfriend doesn't tell the neighbor what is happening even after he told her a killer lives in the house, and OF COUSE someone's phone dies! I was able and it was VERY TOUGH to make it to about 30 minutes, remember I'm very forgiving. But even I could not make it any longer. This movie is not worth giving up an hour and 41 minutes of your life. I know people always say a movie is terrible and many times it's just ok. But PLEASE believe everyone who gives this a 1 or a very low score. It's not worth wasting your time, there are a lot better movies to watch!
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