28 May 2020

I was thoroughly entertained by 'The Great Locomotive Chase' from start-to-finish, as it delivers a fantastic chase via trains during the American Civil War. Expertly edited, brilliantly acted and very nicely shot.

Fess Parker is the film's lead, as he portrays James J. Andrews. He does a terrific job in the role, perfectly showing off Andrews' character and state of mind; he is very much brains over brawn, as well as being charismatic. A load of the other cast members do fine work too, namely Jeffrey Hunter (Fuller), Jeff York (Campbell) and John Lupton (Pittenger).

I do agree that the finale does fall flatter than the build-up, which is a shame but I do respect the filmmakers for keeping to reality - a fantastical ending would've been cool, though sticking to facts is arguably important. I don't dislike the ending all that much, to be honest.

I can compare it to 2010's 'Unstoppable' which, although for different reasons, is another locomotive chase film. While this isn't as great as that, I still think this production is marvellous. Must-watch!
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