Review of 68 Whiskey

68 Whiskey (2020)
What's all the 'Where's the Beef' Reviews About?
25 May 2020
I was RegArmy 1975-79 64C30 Transport Operator Heavy, so yes, IMHO the show isn't accurate or distinctly following military protocol. But I enjoyed it none the less. If I had of not given it a chance like many most likely failed to do, and went into it with a prejudiced opinion from reading the low ratings, I might have disliked it also and given it a poor rating.

But I did give it a chance as I know ratings are not always on-the-nose so to speak. I see all the bad reviews from prior-duty or active-duty US Military and they seemed to hate it as a majority. But then the show isn't promising to be a detailed, accurate or historical documentary. Its a comedy/drama show. To each there own of course, and no foul done, but.

I saw a few "Watched episode 1 and it stunk! Won't be watching anymore." What I get from those reviews is an error possibly by over-judgmental opinions to give ANY show a chance, maybe?.

Just about any new series doesn't really warm up until a few episodes get written and acted out. They almost all take a while to get off the ground unless they are one of the gifted, blockbuster series that we are rewarded with, but then not all shows are 8's or higher.

Many seasons don't even get to a 6.5 or 7 until season 2 hits, but that's because actors get acclimated to the scenes and each other, and writers get really warmed up. But if people happen to give out their condemning reviews early on, actors are not uplifted and writers fall under the burden of non-approval and we get struggling shows far too often doomed to fail.

I hope not with this one. This is is worth watching if it isn't shot down already and then it will be a pity to have lost it to reviews that just demand too much out of writers, actors and producers.

This is enjoyable if you get in and give it a chance. I gave it a 7 because you can't rate anything in 1/2 to give it a 6.5 that it well deserves. Its not an Emmy winner but then not all shows are. People all have their own opinions of course, and people have their own likes and dislikes. But I think too many are being too critical of an otherwise enjoyable show if given the chance. Just like episode 10, I liked the way it left you fulfilled and comfortable, without leaving you in a clutch from a cliffhanger dilemma like so many shows do, just to buy into anxiety driven curiosity.
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