Review of Inheritance

Inheritance (I) (2020)
Heading for....An Anticlimax...
23 May 2020
I quite enjoyed the premise and although absurd that is what movies are all about - its not real life to the reviewer who beggars belief and so is the premise of many other movies and that does not make it a bad movie just a creative idea much like many Stephen King movies but this one could not maintain the level of tension/pacing and just petered out from the middle onwards to the rather disappointing ending.

That being said it wound its way quite well until the denouement which was a bit of a letdown; the end was a bit of a damp squib, I was expecting something more jaw dropping in the vein of the writers of Saw or Hannibal but no, it runs out of steam like most films these days seem to.

Passable entertainment but fails to reach much above the 6th rung on the ten step ladder!
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