...First Do No Harm (1997 TV Movie)
Inspiring but very heavy
21 May 2020
If you found Lorenzo's Oil upsetting, don't bother renting the ABC television movie ...First Do No Harm. It's not more upsetting, by any means, but it's the same genre and why put yourself through that? Not many people can stomach movies about very sick children and their persevering parents, but if you are one of those people, you'll get to see Meryl Streep and Fred Ward struggling to raise their young epileptic son, Seth Adkins.

I'll never understand why parents give their consent to let their young children act in upsetting films. Poor Seth had to pretend to have seizure after seizure, and be examined by faux doctors, and scream his head off for the pain-all to get his big break in his film debut. I can't imagine the psychological damages he received from acting in this movie was really worth it. Be that as it may, the adults in the movie did understand what they were signing up for, and every parent will see their struggle, worry, and despair as the doctors fail to help their son get better.

Similar to Lorenzo's Oil, the parents have to take measures into their own hands in this movie. Dr. Allison Janney is strictly by-the-books, and when Meryl does her research and wants to try a new ketogenic diet, she doesn't approve. This is a really heavy movie that will press on some hot-button issues. It doesn't exactly tackle the medical establishment as a villain, but it certainly takes the stance that drugs aren't as helpful as doctors would like you to think. Know what you're getting into with this drama: good acting, lots of suffering, and a very human story of coloring outside the lines when all else fails.

Kiddy Warning: Obviously, you have control over your own children. However, due to upsetting scenes involving a child, I wouldn't let my kids watch it.
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