Good Premise Ruined by Absurd CGI
19 May 2020
Abused as children and following the death of their father, two teenage brothers by the names of "Eli Porter" (Daniel Cerny) and "Joshua Porter" (Ron Melendez) are adopted by a man named "William Porter" (Jim Metzler) and his wife "Amanda Porter" (Nancy Lee Grahn) and taken from rural Nebraska to Chicago. At first, neither Eli nor Joshua seem to fit in at school, however, when Joshua begins to make some friends his younger brother Eli becomes quite jealous and subsequently takes matters into his own hand by planting a garden with a special type of corn in order to summon the monster known as "He Who Walks Behind the Rows". And it's then that the real terror begins. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that even though I liked the initial premise of this film the longer it continued the more ludicrous it got. I especially didn't care for the preposterous ending. That said, I don't consider this to be nearly as good as its two predecessors and for that reason I have rated it accordingly. Below average.
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