Joe Rogan Isn't In It
12 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
...and I wanted to start there because him NOT being in it feels weird.

I'm not sure how they did it, but the people who made this found an impressively high number of famous people I absolutely cannot stand and then asked them about their experiences with psychedelics.

I'm genuinely impressed by this rogue's gallery of obnoxiousness; Adam Devine, Nick Kroll, Natasha Lyonne, Rosie Perez, Ben Stiller, there are more but you get the idea. All of those idiots but no Joe Rogan, who goes out of his way to find reasons to talk about DMT and ayahuasca. And chimpanzees.

But the one which stands out the most is Deepak Chopra; if the intention on the part of the filmmakers was to lend some credibility to the recreational consumption of psychedelics they should have kept him as far from this as possible. If Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop somehow attained sentience and took on human form it would be Deepak Chopra.

There are a couple of good stories here; Sting, Anthony Bourdain, Carrie Fisher, all of their stories were enjoyable and entertaining. The others range from meh to an obnoxious co-worker cornering you and forcing you to look at pictures of their kids. I get the appeal of having famous people telling stories about their drug adventures, but it comes off as an appeal to authority:

"See? These people are famous and successful, they say LSD is okay, so you should agree with them."

Instead this feels like a missed opportunity to actually educate people in an entertaining way, and in the end I think they are just preaching to the converted. I've tried LSD and am open to other psychedelics, so of course I'd watch this, someone on the fence might be tipped slightly in favor, but the people who are against it certainly won't have their minds changed.

They do this bit where they make fun of the old anti drug videos from the early 90s, and those are a little funny, but it might have been more effective to cut back on the number of times they do that, then have an actual expert (not Deepak) explain some of hazards of LSD and why those things happen. Instead what we get is a mediocre joke repeated too many times, and end up with a "documentary" that doesn't really say anything of substance on an important issue.
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