Review of Coherence

Coherence (2013)
Low-budget sci-fi babble
10 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
COHERENCE is a very interesting premise, but the execution felt pretentious. I get it, in real life, people actually do talk all over each other and interrupt each other, but did the writers and actors have to to it to THIS extent? Half the time, I couldn't make out what the hell characters were saying or talking about! I couldn't get over the fact at how CALMLY this group of people just took the news that they were in an infinite dimension. There was no one freaking out, there was no one saying that it was nonsense, no one saying that this must be some sort of joke. The actors played the parts way too self-aware. Speaking of, the acting was pretty much the same across the board. None of the characters felt unique. Every character was just a generic, middle-class, wine-drinking, yoga-class-talking yuppie. And the camera-shaking was too much. The ending is where this thing gets even remotely engaging, but by then it's way too late. Better talent could have made this futile exercise actually...COHERENT!
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