The Way Back (I) (2020)
Affleck is great, movie is average
27 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Dont get me wrong, i like the O´Connors work. BUt here , nothing is realistic. I know you probably know Matt Goldberg from collider and his the biggest and giant pain in the ass but sometimes i try to make reasonable and constructive criticism, so i hope you will understand.. SPOILERS ! 1) team Jack inherited is described as the weakest, dumbest and cluelest of all.. And from MY coaching experience (not basketball, other major sport) i know that those radical changes and path to success (in this case playoffs) takes MORE than few weeks ! I know, the movie is only 2 hrs so, but i think script here is bad bc they shoukd write it like entire first season was disappoiting, Jack is getting more drunk and only second season is like redemption, It would be more realistic..First season should have been portrayed more quickly in just results and paper headlines flashbacks.

2) I missed deeper Jacks character in terms of dealing and struggling. I mean, im sorry but the movie is about lost and alcoholism i get it but every human being is responsible for own actions and i got feeling that we should feel sorry for Jacks problems.. It was cliché..

3) What i missed most was sporting side of the story.. Deeper connection between Jack and players.. Only we got was cliché after another (arrogant player going late - apology - coming back to team, young captain who has sad life and makes the most important scoring in entire season , fatso and clown... Theres nothing new , nothing what we alredy havent seen ..

In summary , still i liked the movie . Im not part of the snowflake or woke movement - i didint feel for Jack , i enjoyed sporting side of the story as much as i could. Drinking, getting sober is cliche and is wrong if we as society make excuses for people who drink, crashing cars, being dangerous for other people.. So the "lost , drinking and depression side" of the story i would appreciate better touch, new dimension, better storytelling. It was kinda lazy for me..

Still good movie to watch.
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