Review of Hillary

Hillary (2020)
Just watch it and make up your own mind for once
24 March 2020
Though I did vote for her in 2016 (a really, REALLY obvious choice), I was never a huge fan of Hillary. There's no particular reason for that dislike outside of liking other politicians/candidates better, but I also fall into that category of people for whom she just "rubbed the wrong way."

That said, as someone who grew up in a very conservative state and has a very conservative parent, I can tell you that there may not be a modern US political figure who has had their character assassinated quite like Hillary Clinton. Regardless of what you think about her politics or whether or not she's relatable, it is absolutely stunning the things that have been said about her without ANY basis in objective reality. Things get said about lots of politicians, but I think the difference is the degree for which people actually BELIEVE what is said about Hillary.

Think of it this way: A sizable chunk of the population actually thought that Trump was a safer and more stable choice than Hillary in 2016, that Hillary would get us into a war and destabilize the nation and this and that. There are those who STILL believe that, even after witnessing the clown car that has been this administration the last 3.5 years. I have to think that was possible, and least in substantial part, because the right has attacked her consistently for literal decades with so much ridiculous slander, libel, misrepresentations, and outright sensationalist defamation that even when she did things worthy of legitimate criticism, it just gets lost in the noise.

Again, regardless of her politics, I think any one of us can understand the desire to "set the record straight" if we were similarly defamed as she was and continues to be. Though the show is a bit too self-indulgent from time to time and occasionally glosses over certain subjects, the main thing it did for me is show that there's an actual person behind the politician, and I think she is generally sincere about most of what she says but just doesn't have a great public persona.

You can either believe that she's a lizard person capable of murder and incapable of feeling (while simultaneously being one of the best actors in the world), or that she's a politician who generally wants to do good but has made mistakes; but if you're going to go through life thinking she's the spawn of Satan, you can at least watch the documentary and hear it from the "horse's mouth" and decide for yourself instead of just letting your favorite pundit feed you more carefully curated and spun bull****. Your choice.
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