Now This Is My Kinda Rom Com!
15 March 2020
Charlie (Mike Myers) is a nice guy who hasn't had much luck with women. The reason for this is that Charlie is paranoid when it comes to relationships which leads to him breaking up with woman for outrageous reasons. Charlie claimed one girl smelt like soup whilst he suspected another was part of the Russian Mafia. Charlie also spends most of his time hanging out with his best friend at a local coffee shop where he performs poetry. His poems are always about the women who have broken his heart. But things are about to change for Charlie when he meets Harriet (Nancy Travis), a young woman who runs a local butcher shop. Charlie and Harriet begin to date but Charlie begins to suspect something is very sinister about Harriet. When he hears about an axe murderer in the News he begins to wonder if she is the Murderer. Is Charlie the next victim or is this worry all in his own head?

For the actor Mike Myers this film was early in his career and just after the huge success of Wayne's World 1, long before he would discover other big film franchises such as Shrek and Austin Powers. So, I Married An Axe Murderer is also one the rare films where Mike Myers isn't 'dressed up' or heavily costumed as the leading character. Well, with the exception of Mike Myers playing the Scottish father in the film as well (which was totally hilarious to me).

This film is a romcom, but as one might suspect given the leading actor, this film does contain some crude humour at times. The chemistry between Mike Myers and actress Nancy Travis is generally fun to see as Myers brings most of the gags and Travis brings the character who is calmer but keeps the audience suspicious. Some of the best gags are when Charlie simply gets scared and paranoid around his girlfriend as the idea of her being a possible axe murderer grows bigger and bigger in his mind.

I also love Charlie's interactions with his best friend Tony (played by Australian actor Anthony LaPaglia) and Charlie's family. It's these interactions that bring out the best humour in the film.

I wanted to review this film because good romcom's are hard to find and this is one of my personal guilty pleasures from the 90s. To my surprise, there actually some good, unexpected twists and turns in the plot which only adds more fun and mystery to the film. The film's soundtrack is also a blast and I found myself enjoying many memorable tunes. My only true disappointment is that Mike Myers never made more films like this. It was a one off.

Overall, this film is one of my guilty pleasure films when comes to romcoms. As you would expect given the leading actor the humour can be a little crude, but it still gets me laughing. Mike Myers playing the lead character and his father is also hilarious to me. In the end this is a romcom with twists, heartfelt moments and it's a film that I've watched so many times that I can almost quote the whole thing line for line. To this day I still find this film incredibly enjoyable and humorous. 7.3/10 - Walkden Entertainment
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