That's 'The Scottish Play', Dagnabbit It!
25 February 2020
It's all guys in the small kilt and tams with feathers..... and swords, of course, to stab each other over the course of a bit less than a minute.

No one had the resources or interest in making a full version of the Scottish PlY at this point, but people could offer bits and pieces. It certainly makes a lot more sense to offer an action scene than one in which Shakespeare's words were recited. At this point, titles were not even established as being largely for dialogue. They were akin to chapter titles, in which you were given a brief summation of what you were about to see, and then the actors performed.

The advantage of this one is that, first, it's Shakespeare, so you don't need a title. You're presumed to know it,mans even if you don't, will pretend to, and second, it's guys stabbing each other. What's to explain?
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