Warning...this film can be very troubling and depression. Consider this when you think about watching it.
21 February 2020
"The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne" features some really amazing acting. But I feel that I must warn you...it's also rather depressing and features a woman being raped. So, if you are yourself depressed or otherwise vulnerable, you might want to think twice about seeing this one.

Judith (Maggie Smith) is a middle-aged spinster who is rather poor as well. After moving into a new rooming house, she is interested in a somewhat younger man, James (Bob Hoskins) and she hopes that he is interested in her. However, when they do go out, he's more interested in using her than romance and your heart cannot help but break for poor Judith. Sadly, however, there's little in the way of sympathy for her, as the rooming house and its residents are a nasty, bitter group of folks. And, in addition, Judith is so desperate and lonely that she way over-estimates his interest in her.

Despite being a general downer to watch, watching the acting was pretty amazing...particularly that of Maggie Smith. I knew she was an excellent actress...that's no surprise. But she really was in top form here...and her crying sequence really tugs at your heart. She also was amazing as she played the piano and slowly began to be overwhelmed by grief....great acting but also so very sad to watch.

Overall, well made and interesting...but also like watching a slow-motion train wreck or a giant festering sore. If you can handle it, try it...otherwise, it's very tough going and rather miserable to watch. I cannot recommend it except for very strong folks who can handle the subject matter.
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