DO NOT Whistle While You Work
8 December 2019
30th Anniversary: 1989 - the Best Year in Cinema Marathon Film #83/100: "Stepfather 2: Make Room for Daddy" (Multiple Viewings.) I could write a novel on just this throw away unnecessary horror sequel. But, it's all personal. When I was young, but old enough to ride my bike 3+ miles to the mall, I would make a day of it and first stop at Peter Piper Pizza for a small single cheese pizza and a Coke® for like $2.99, then to the Library for some time and finally to the movies (all three buildings in order/adjacent.) UA Metro to be precise. I was 15 at the time and despite my age, I looked much younger. Nevertheless, the Box Office Employees would let me into seeing this movie. I even remember, 30 years later, it was the last theatre to the left and no one else was in the screening. Maybe one other person, but they didn't notice me. So, it was like I had the place to myself. I loved movies back then. Any/all. Especially horror. And away from my family who forbade me from both horror and Rated R fare. I was in Heaven. And I actually liked this movie. I would see it multiple times on VHS until YEARS later I would finally discover the original. While I liked that one, this one will always hold a special place in my heart.

And, honestly, it wasn't that bad of a movie, overall.
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