Almost as bad as the first one ..
5 December 2019
Oh joy. Another sequel.

So even before the first scene comes on it gets one bonus point, because they have a whole new cast for the sequel! Which means NO KELLY PICKLER!!

And once the movie starts it goes downhilll from there..

Harper is back from overseas and takes a job as a nanny. She used to work at Graceland as a tour guide...so that's the connection.

And we get a guest appearance of Pricilla Presley as herself .... OMG... what the heck happened to her face?! She's had so much plastic surgery that I'm pretty sure they dubbed in her lines as she can't move her lips!!

And I love how the kids all get along with each other ... like overacting much? Like when their aunt has been away for 3 years and brings them back a snow globe. Of London. A small one. And just one ..for the two children ... like does the older one gets it 4 days a week?! Cheapo!

And the kids goooo crazy over it.

Yeah. Ok.

I think the hallmark writers must do a lot of drugs if they think this is real life.

Anyways - we fall in love and give up our dreams for a man ...before even kissing him or discussing a future.

But he's rich!! Gold digga!! Wait, no he's giving all his new software away for free - WTH - stop that Owen - she will leave your, money is all you got going for you with that ugly haircut!

Well, I for one, just can't wait for the third movie in this series next year! And by just can't wait I mean I'd rather rub my privates in poison ivy then watch another Graceland Christmas movie...

But I will give them one out of 10 for not casting Kelly Pickler agian...so they got one thing right.
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