Compelling documentary presents prescient portrait of Donald Trump's mentor
10 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Matt Tyrnauer's gripping and thought-provoking documentary, "Where's My Roy Cohn?" delves into the complex life of Roy Cohn, the brilliant and enigmatic figure who left an indelible mark on American politics and society. Cohn's influence extended from his notorious role as Senator Joe McCarthy's right-hand man during the infamous witch hunts to his later mentorship of a young Donald Trump in the cutthroat world of New York real estate.

The film masterfully utilizes archival footage, providing an intimate look at Cohn's early years as a brash US attorney, fervently dedicated to eradicating Communism from every corner of American life. His involvement in the Army-McCarthy hearings marked a turning point, with insinuations about his and McCarthy's sexuality surfacing as the Republican establishment turned against them.

The documentary delves into Cohn's refusal to acknowledge his homosexuality, with some critics accusing him of inauthenticity. However, the film challenges this notion, asserting that his sexual orientation should not overshadow his actions and character. Tyrnauer does a commendable job of examining the multifaceted persona of Cohn, avoiding simplistic stereotypes.

Cohn's "take no prisoners" approach and his mastery of character assassination served him well throughout his career, allowing him to evade multiple legal challenges and accusations. His charm and intellect, along with his willingness to defend unpopular clients, endeared him to numerous celebrities and powerful figures.

However, the film doesn't shy away from revealing the darker side of Cohn's persona. His relentless pursuit of victory at any cost left a trail of victims in his wake, as seen in lesser-known incidents involving a family-owned business and a tragic yacht accident.

Tyrnauer's documentary captures a pivotal moment when Gore Vidal, a witty liberal raconteur, publicly challenged Cohn during a TV debate. Vidal exposed Cohn's smear campaigns and questioned the validity of the Communist threat, setting the stage for a battle of ideas that still resonates today.

As with Trump, Cohn foresaw the potency of appealing to Middle America's resentment towards "liberal elites." This ability to tap into populist sentiment showcased Cohn's foresight, positioning him as a master manipulator in the world of celebrity and politics.

The film concludes with Cohn's decline, marked by a mysterious illness that some attributed to AIDS. While the exact cause of his death remains uncertain, "Where's My Roy Cohn?" emphasizes that his legacy lies not in his private life but in his ruthless pursuit of power and success.

In the end, "Where's My Roy Cohn?" is a compelling and incisive exploration of an influential yet controversial figure. Tyrnauer's skilled direction provides an unfiltered glimpse into Cohn's life, raising pertinent questions about the intersection of politics, power, and personal identity. This documentary is a must-watch for those seeking to understand the complex tapestry of American history and the indelible influence of Roy Cohn on a generation of political figures.
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