Odds Are (2018)
Too long and repetitive.
1 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I did sit the whole movie out, curious as to how everything would wind-up, but it was not really a treat, to put it mildly. Biggest problems were the mediocre acting of all involved, and the fact that after a fairly promising beginning the suspense kind of sagged-in: all the endless tip-toeing through the dark house, that was obviously meant to be a nerve-racking cat-and-mouse game, became more and more boring and repetitive. The twist was okay, but not inventive enough to knock me of my feet. It seems to be based on true events, so one can hardly complain about the story and its ending, but if it had been an original script, then there would have been countless plot-holes to criticize (or laugh about). Like why didn't they call 9-1-1 when eventually the guy drove off, his threat to kill their friend if they warned the police by then didn't have any ground anymore. Or call 9-1-1 when they stood in the desert and had locked the guy in, they themselves didn't yet have anything to fear from the police at that point. Oh, and letting the batteries of a cellphone die at the most crucial moment really is such a worn-out cliché! As is the beginning of a horror-flick by showing the main character running around frantically being scared out of her wits by some deadly pursuer, as a preview of what we later in the movie will get to see. I guess that's summing this movie up: a too long and tedious, bad acted cliché.
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