Review of Furie

Furie (2019)
Serviceable Vietnamese action movie
14 October 2019
I really enjoy action movies coming out of Asia, so when the Asian action movie "Furie" popped up on Netflix, I wanted to see it, especially since I hadn't seen a Vietnamese movie before. While I did enjoy the movie enough that I'm glad I saw it, at the same time I don't think the movie reached its full potential. Clearly inspired by the movie "Taken" (though giving it enough changes and twists to prevent it from being labelled a blatant rip-off) he movie is generally well produced on what was a low budget. The movie doesn't have any real lulls, and sprinkled throughout were some decent action sequences. However, I don't think most of the action sequences reached their full potential. The main reason for this is that at least in this movie, actress Van Veronica Ngo seems a bit too lightweight for the role and its demands. She does throw herself completely in the role, but all the same I didn't believe that her kicks and punches really had the force that the filmmakers wanted me to believe. Also, her character takes so much punishment that I couldn't believe she could keep getting up and continuing the fight. The movie is still worth a look if you're into Asian action movies, but just don't think you'll be getting a knockout of an action movie.
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