Ghost Recon: Breakpoint (2019 Video Game)
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6 October 2019
I just made the one review where I did bash on it mostly but I'll shorten this to give some good points, the reason I say it's ok because the game does look better and they way it plays is a great idea, if they cut off the rpg affect and made it where you have to craft and maintain heat, cold thirst, etc. I'd say they did a great job, the game is fun to play until you hit bad glitches and poor net code but I still feel like a real spec ops soldier when playing especially if you have friends who can keep you sane in the game, so mainly the game is still ok and sort of fun but they never should have copied division into this game, if they could do this and make it offline as an option, remove rpg stats and gear score, raids, I'd say it's better there is faction missions and pvp fine I'll accept that, oh and loot boxes they need to give up and face the music that it's stupid and that's there only scource to keep them alive they need to stop that. Other than that play the game at your own risk I did and here is my answers but play it and see what you think I will never judge anyone else it's there choice.
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