A Painfully Average Stretch of a Sketch that Never Quite Hits the Mark
20 September 2019
I was very interested in seeing what Patrick Brice does next (Creep & Creep 2 are, in my opinion, awesome genre movies) and I'm not happy to say that "Corporate Animals" feels like a flop in each and every way.

Many reviews state the very same flaws and I can't find any better words, because they're right - it feels like a stretched out character sketch with a very shallow plot, uninventive sitatuations, most of the humor is based on archaic social stereotypes & all the social commentary in the script is old and tiring already, which is also the case regarding the characters. You've seen all this or close variations of all this somewhere before. Nevertheless, the actors seemed to do their best with the script they've been given & there are a few crank-out-a-smile moments. The plot never really takes off, never builds up to anything, eventually feeling repeatitive. In other words, there are some pacing issues. In the light of all the negative aspects it's hard to compliment anything else, what we've still left is the visual side of the movie, and, well, it's simply alright. There are a few tiny, cool surprises, one in a form of an animated dream.

"Corporate Animals" is a painfully average 90 minute comedy sketch & the kind of a horror comedy that You can pass on while not missing anything. I recommend it for those who like the cast, comedy on the corporate themes or to those who want to see how Patrick Brice underwhelms You after the Creep duology. My rating: 5/10
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