The Principal (1987)
Principals Require Patience
9 September 2019
Principal Joe Clark*, Rick Latimer (Jim Belushi) was not, but he was effective.

I had a hard time believing that someone looking like Jim Belushi would take a job as a principal in the heart of the ghetto much less actually care about said job. But as the movie wore on he grew on me. He began to fit the tough yet caring principal figure.

Now, what I could never grasp were the actually high schoolers. Not a single one of them looked remotely high school age. These were grown men and women roaming the halls. The main guy, Victor Duncan (Michael Wright), had to have been about 30 years old. What in the world was he still doing in high school!?

Getting past the overage students, this was a good movie. It wasn't quite "Class of 1984" where Principal Latimer had to go on a killing spree to cleanse the school of its bad elements but it was a physical fight.

I'm always impressed with educators that have the patience and forbearance to deal with problem kids. We're all cut from different cloth and I'm cut from the cloth that is highly combustible. Admittedly, I have very little patience, but I can admire those who have what I consider an abundance of patience.

Even at the best schools there will be problems, so what about the dumping ground schools? Rick Latimer was the principal Brandel High School needed.

*Joe Clark was the principal in Lean on Me.
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