This 'Ladybird' Needs Wings
3 September 2019
A very anger-driven film powered by a sense of outrage for it's short-tempered lead, it's attempts at railing against the social service system in the UK are somewhat undercut by the behaviour of the mother at the centre.

She has 4 (later 6) kids from 4 (later 5) different fathers. She constantly returns to one partner who likes to smash her head in, putting her and her offspring in danger. She leaves them at home to sing karaoke while her flat burns down, seriously injuring them. Can you blame the authorities for wanting to take her children away?

Yes, she had a hard past which impacts her decisions in the present. But, at least in my view, this doesn't give her the license to put her kids at risk, even if you do have sympathy for her situation. The fact she lashes out at everyone trying to help her doesn't help matters either, so the blatant attempts by the director and writer to be on her side aren't ever all that effective.

Oh well. The performances are great, with Crissy Rock handing some intensely emotional scenes with aplomb, and Vladimir Vega as her too-nice-by-half Paraguayan boyfriend providing good support. It's based on a true story too, though the only 'happy' ending to be found here is in the final text.

Overall, it's a moving and somewhat absorbing drama in the typical Mike Leigh vein, but one where the protagonist is too flawed to make it truly great. This wouldn't be a problem, but when the movie is always 100% in her corner and expects us to feel the same way, perhaps you can see where the disconnect might cause a problem. 6/10
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