Red Dead Redemption II (2018 Video Game)
I get why people love it, but it contains hundreds of minor frustrations
9 August 2019
I get why people love this game, it's brilliant, but a little too brilliant for its own good.

For example, people laud this game's copious amounts of details detail, which can be cool in a lot of cases, like Rockstar's attention to detail in animal behavior, which is awesome to just observe at times, but other times the amount of visual detail and animation is more cumbersome and annoying than it is immersive, which absolutely isn't aided by the game's finicky controls. Since the game's controls are so imprecise, there will be hundreds of occasions where you'll click a button you didn't mean to click, or you won't be facing in the precise direction you need to be facing in order to do the action you wanted to do, so you'll be subjected to watching Arthur in an over-animated manner mount his horse, which lasts for literal seconds, before you can push the button that gets off his horse, an animation that also lasts for literal seconds, before you can do the thing you were trying to do before accidentally mounting your horse. Or, every single time you kill an animal, to collect its skin you have to sit through an unskippable animation of Arthur skinning whatever animal it is that also lasts for literal seconds. Or if you loot a body, you don't just automatically take whatever valuables a body has on it when you choose to loot, instead you have to watch another animation that lasts for literal seconds where Arthur bends over, rummages through their pockets, and then pulls something out through their vest pockets. All of these things are attention to detail in manners that actively make the game less fun to play. It would be all the more bearable if you were simply capable of pushing a button that would cancel whatever action you're doing in case you accidentally hit the wrong button or prompted Arthur to do something you didn't mean to do, but no, you are committed to sitting the gratuitously over-animated sequences through literally every mistake you ever make due to how finicky this game's controls are. Yes, the attention to detail in a lot of cases is very cool, but a lot of that detail just simply doesn't make the game fun.

It's also annoying that you can't sprint through town areas without every NPC you pass acting like you're attempting to assault them, or if you accidentally forget to holster your weapon before entering a town area you'll have law enforcement raining bullets on you in a matter of seconds, so you're stuck walking very slowly for an eternity through buildings and town areas for fear you'll be wanted for "disturbing the peace" in case you accidentally nudge an NPC, which also makes the game significantly less fun to play. There was a time I had just wanted to sell a skin in one of the city areas, but I didn't feel like walking at a snail's pace all the way to the trapper, so I started I hit X to make myself move faster, and almost immediately I was wanted for "disturbing the peace," to which law enforcement showed up, which began a citywide firefight that left me fleeing for my life to the next town over so I could pay off my bounty and go back to the trapper to sell just one bloody skin. Moments like these are irritating and cumbersome, and it's extremely frequent moments like these that prevented me from falling in love with the game.

The writing and characters and acting is very good, as expected, so it's worth checking out, it's just a shame that it isn't as much fun to actually play.
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