Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995–1996)
30 July 2019
This is a philosophical psychodrama more or less. In addition to the look into seemingly Freudian psychology, there is this sense of uncertainty when faced with what is at work within reality. What exactly is reality? How is it that one perceives reality? What exactly is governing reality? These are very difficult questions, and they are questions that NGE seems to explore. It can be very meta at times, but not in a bad way. Get ready, because you are in for a helluva treat. Just be prepared to think out side of the box.

Another thing to take note of are the characters. All of these characters have depth, and something unique to bring to the table. They're all kinda slow burners though. At first this show seems like a stereotypical mecha. I mean, yeah, Evas are bad ass organic creatures resembling mechs,however, they are a component to an intricate array of ideas. Just give the show several episodes to rev itself up.

I think multiple viewings of NGE are essential. Anno crafted such a cerebral world full of intricacies. One would be hard pressed to fully grasp them all off of one viewing. In closing, enjoy and let it wash over you.
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