data doesn't lie, who has our data?
26 July 2019
This Movie tells us stuff, we all have a basic knowledge about, all our travel on big social media are tracked and collected as data, but the question is who will have access to these data?

It's borderline conspiracy theory, but also true facts, who decides what is right, We all used to say the victors write history, but todays age where all info is available online and it is easy to push a button to like someone post online. Is the victor those with most follows or likes?

We have all heard stories, and when stories comes in 2 versions which one do we believe is the truth? this movie tries to follow different persons on a quest to find out what happened, when trillion dollar companies bought peoples personal information, obtained through platforms that are used by a huge portion of the worlds popultaion, and what are our rights when we click that EULA.

The movie has a great message, are we even aware whats going on?, and how we are manipulated online?, the bottomline is nothing is free in this world, and something we value as free, like our oppinions on matters and our advice or suggestions to other people, that we share online, companies or people with different agendas are willing to pay A lot of money for.

data is data, it doesn't lie, who has our data? and more importantly can they make us do stuff against our own better judgement with algoritms specified with purpose to let us easier see their point of view online. you decide after watching the movie
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