Excellent Teen Nostalgia
25 July 2019
This is one of those films the self-professed "experts" (ie. film school snobs) will hate because it doesn't fit the "Save the Cat" mandated mold of "great films." The cinematography was clearly not big studio quality, though there were some genius lighting moments and interesting approaches to pulling the music into the story. Most of the cast are unknowns on their best days. The stars have brown skin and lack athletic prowess. Most will never grace the ad pages of a fashion magazine. The soundtrack is purely 80's. So, of course, my fifteen-year-old daughter and I loved it.

The acting was good, especially for an indie. The story was even better, as long as you don't focus on the core plot and whether or not it follows "the rules." Instead, relax and soak in all the subtext. "Blinded by the Light" is a beautiful glimpse into the painful subculture of people living in a world that doesn't want them. It invites open-minded viewers to experience racism in a real and visceral way. Maybe it's because I've been there - part of a brown-ish family in a white world during a time it was okay to throw slurs and sodas at those who didn't belong - but I was able to emotionally connect with the story and characters in a way I haven't done in quite some time. And I watch a LOT of movies, in every genre and budget level. If you let it, this one will touch you, pull you into its world, and make you laugh and cry. This film isn't high art. It's not tent pole, popcorn fare. But it is a great film. People walking out - sorry, but you've either got a stick up your backside or a beef with people who aren't white. The acting was fabulous, the rhythm of the film fun and flowing, and the story solid and tear-worthy for those empathetic enough to watch it through to the end. And if you possess a human bone in your body, you will smile, even when it gets "cringy" as the Brit reviewers have called it. Get over yourselves, seriously. This is a very good little indie film that will appeal to both older teens still trying to figure out who they are/if they're worth anything and their 80's loving parents, especially those of us who remember the days when it was okay for the locals to tell us "go back home" despite knowing we were born there, too.
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