Interesting watch, but ultimately could have been much more...
24 July 2019
Engrossing film, and reveals the extent of data scraping that is going on in today's world that is then being used for nefarious purposes.

Interesting to see how it all works, but my beef with the flick is the one-sided view of one of the main characters in Kaiser.

Plain to see that this is a person with little to no moral compass, that happily did what she did to hobnob and feel important/to make an impact. When it was apparent that the sky was falling, she happily turned "whistleblower" and spilled everything she could on operations. I failed to see her show any remorse for the work she did in setting up the whole infrastructure over 3.5+ years. Yet throughout the film she is portrayed as being free from blame and just a source of information, when she clearly sold her soul to make money and for other purposes known only to her. The film-makers almost portray her as a victim and instead of asking the hard questions, appear to be content to play best friend.

The doco could have been much more impactful and meaningful if they had retained independence and reported as such, but all in all a worthwhile watch.
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