Unforgettable, which is not the same as good
4 July 2019
This was the third movie Eastwood directed, and he also has the lead role. Clint does his classic principled sociopath bit, as an art history professor who is also the unwilling top assassin of a spy organization that somewhat resembles the CIA. Based on a novel by Trevanian, who wrote tongue in cheek thrillers that most readers took seriously. Keep an eye out for the suave gay character who has a dog named Faggot. Seriously, you can't make stuff like that up - well, somebody did. The silly story requires Clint to climb a dangerous mountain in the Alps, with an eye to discovering a traitor/spy in his entourage. The real star of this thriller is the aerial cinematography that captures some mountaineers in action, with Clint apparently doing some of his own stunts. It is memorable, that is for sure.
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