Before Watching: Cowboy Bebop: The Movie (2001)
27 June 2019
"Cowboy Bebop: The Movie" (2001) is a great anime, however, if you want to get as much out of it as possible, there are a few things you need to keep in mind before watching:

This movie does not shun away from brutality. Violence isn't served in excess, yet when it arrives, it brings with it a fair portion of blood and realism. Characters will get shot, stabbed, beaten, die in explosions and other mystical circumstances, as well as falling off bridges to name the more common methods. For the weak of heart, this should be remembered. Minors should be kept away.

In the same way, there are also occurrences of semi-nudity, with female characters wearing minimalistic clothing while having generous chests, one of which gets half revealed during an impending rape (which nevertheless becomes interrupted). Other moments during the movie can be somewhat suggestive, enough to repeat that this is not a movie for minor or for people who sits comfortably at the more conservative end of this category.

Finally, Cowboy Bebop is a very mature anime. In addition to what's been brought up, it deals with the question what makes one's identity, and what's real and not. It doesn't dive too far down those oceans, but it is brought up enough number of times to state that it does require its audience to ponder it. If one accepts this challenge, one will not only have a thought-provoking entertainment ahead, but also an entertainment which features well-made characters, choreography, and a great, energetic soundtrack.

My personal grade: a fresh 7/10. If you found this helpful, check my profile for more reviews.
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