The InBetween (2019)
Enjoyed It More Than I Expected
31 May 2019
The "In Between" pilot had many twists that I didn't see coming. I was expecting something straightforward, along the lines of "The Ghost Whisperer" or "Medium" but this one, so far at least, has layers. I'm not going to get into any details because I don't want to give anything away for those who haven't seen it yet but suffice to say, I hope that the writers and show runners continue in this vein.

I will mention that though that some of the critical review left me confused. For example, the comment about the main character's ingratitude when being given a gift. That was a very biased interpretation of the scene. What actually happened was the main character was unexpectedly visited by a detective who had, not once but twice been outright rude to her, and then he unexpectedly shows up at her home very early in the morning. His gift? A pasty. Oh was she supposed to fall all over herself with gratitude? He's lucky that she even deigned to speak to him and didn't slam the door in his face. And then, when she allowed him in and answered his questioned, he insulted her psychic abilities again by accusing her of "just guessing". So much for the other reviewer who said that he was convinced in the first 15 minutes.

We're we watching the same show? People really do see exactly what they want to see.
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